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7.2.4VARIO recommendations
There are no good, objective criteria to determine the correct numerical proportions of bottom-up in relation to top-down resources. Therefore, VARIO cannot state what the right ratio (policy mix) is for the future. However, VARIO does put forward a number of principles, which it has set out in the form of recommendations:
- Recommendation 1. Provide a clear strategic framework with clear long-term objectives.
- Recommendation 2. Make objective, clear and steady choices and keep them broad.
- Recommendation 3. Set up policy mix evaluations and examine how each instrument individually, as well as the total mix of instruments, contributes to the objectives.
- Recommendation 4. Keep the effective achievement of goals or missions in mind and look beyond financial resources.
- Recommendation 5. Preserve and nurture bottom-up channels.
- Recommendation 5.1. Be more transparent on thematic initiatives in the bottom-up channels.
- Recommendation 5.2. Map out how bottom-up channels also contribute to societal objectives on their own initiative.
- Recommendation 5.3. Bringing societal impact into bottom-up channels in a limited way is fine but keep it very broad so as not to impede freedom.
- Recommendation 5.4. Pay special attention to fundamental research.
- Recommendation 6. Create optimal conditions for companies to contribute to goals and missions.
- Recommendation 7. Keep the support instruments simple and transparent.
- Recommendation 8. Invest sufficiently in policy-supporting research from all policy areas in function of evidence-based policy.